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We can provide a tailored service to support you in developing an offering that will be attractive to your target audience.

My story 

I love eating out! For me it’s the best way to socialise. A great menu should have an attractive logical layout with food choices and descriptions that make customers want to come back again and again. I have noticed that some eateries serve great food, but their menus are not providing the footfall they deserve. Which is why this business was started.

Years ago, someone said to me if you read so many food and catering books, why don’t you get a qualification in it? So, I did my degree in Food and Nutrition for fun and I’m still enjoying reading about the latest trends. Whilst at university I won a design competition by Manchester Faye in which my dish was introduced to schools across Manchester.

I’ve gained experience whilst working in a variety of eateries. My career as a teacher started over 15 years ago working in Design and Technology departments, teaching Food Science, Catering, and graphic design.

The food industry is changing in many ways and at such a rate its hardly surprising this creates challenges when designing a great menu. 

My ideal future would involve great menus for great eateries large or small by empowering businesses in providing the facts and figures. I’d love to be on this journey with you by helping you make informed decisions whilst updating or revamping your menu. 

Deborah’s story

How is your menu perceived?

A sign your menu is not working to its full potential is customers asking for other dishes. Worst still they look at the menu before booking and go elsewhere. 

Contact Deborah for a free quote

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